3 Min.

Research Hospital Charité using ExB Technology to study Fibrosis treatments

Berlin-based university hospital Charité is using cutting edge ExB technologies in its fibrosis research, in order to automate the analysis of tissue sections for early recognition of pathological changes. Doctor-performed histopathological analysis of liver biopsy samples is currently the gold standard for fibrosis, but is also very time-consuming. The research team of Professor Dr. Ingolf Sack und Dr. Korinna Jöhrens at Charité Hospital have high hopes for ExB’s Deep Learning approach to automating image recognition and diagnostic methods and intend to combine them with Charité’s work in elastographic imaging.

Professor Sack is very impressed by the technological possibilities that this cooperative effort opens up: “ExB is spearheading the development of artificial neural networks and Deep Learning applications in medicine. Through strategic cooperation between Charité and ExB, we hope in the future to be able to more quickly and accurately identify and characterize biomarkers.”

For ExB, partnership with Charité is a testament to the strength of its technology. Dr. Ramin Assadollahi, CEO and founder of ExB, emphasizes that “we are very pleased that researchers at Charité are using our technology. In addition to diagnosing hepatic fibrosis, we can bring our high quality Deep Learning processes to bear in the early detection of melanoma and colorectal cancers.”

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Written by:

Dr. Ramin Assadollahi

CEO & Gründer ExB

Dr. Ramin Assadollahi is a computational linguist, inventor and clinical psychologist and is considered one of the AI thought leaders in Germany.
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